Just find your answers below:

    Can I become an MOT Tester without being a mechanic?

    The short answer is NO.  An MOT tester needs to have at least 4 years full time employment as a technician before they can enrol on the MOT testers award.

    What does AE mean?

    Authorised Examiner – the organisation that operates and manages one or more vehicle testing stations (MOT stations) and is responsible for controlling the quality of testing carried out.  Except in the case of a ‘sole trader’ the AE is not a person but a legal entity (e.g. a company or partnership)

    Who is the AEDM

    The AE Designated Manager is the person who represents the AE and who has normally attended the MOT Management Course. Typically an AE Principal but in larger organisations may be a senior manager with responsibility for the totality of the entity’s MOT testing operations.

    Can a mechanic with no qualifications become an MOT Tester?

    Yes, you can complete a 1 day IMI Light vehicle inspection accreditation at our centre if you are already an experienced mechanic or a technician.  Upon successful certification you can start the IMI MOT testing Award which can be completed in just 5 days.

    Is the MOT Testing award an open book test?

    Yes it is.  Throughout all the IMI MOT Testing award assessments and the DVSA demonstration test you are allowed and expected to refer back to the MOT Inspection manual to verify your answers.  The manual is available for all here https://www.mot-testing.service.gov.uk/documents/manuals/class3457/

    What if I fail the MOT testing award assessments?

    You are allowed free re-tests at our centre.  We only allow you to sit re tests once we have provided you satisfactory further training, increasing the chances of gaining a pass.